My Book Habits & Seven Books I Still Haven't Finished [Yet]

With the uncovering of a deeper story embedded illusion Books- A Recover of a Life Long Love I decided to look to my shelves and take a look at what I have been attempting to read over the past Six months. I was surprised to notice a few things about each of the books I was reading and today I am going to share with you the last line of each of the books I am currently reading, will be starting again and which ones I will put on the top of my pile. First though lets take a look at some of my bookish habits...

As an avid reader at heart I will admit that there is some eye rolling going on in my creative space. I used to be a reader who could knock out 80 books a year and yet if you asked me what I can remember about those books I can tell you little about them.

I don’t really like the term T.B.R [to be read] because it induces this weird fear in me that I will never get the damn pile down to a manageable selection. [Which to be honest I never will] I prefer just to call it my reading pile. My reading pile at present consists of around five plastic crates full of books and a room with a three bookshelves mostly filled with Non-Fiction books.

Let’s not even mention my Kindle...okay maybe I will...WE HAVE NO SECRETS HERE. I have had two Kindles in my life span as an electo nerd and the last one held upwards of 600 unread books, thankfully my new Kindle holds only 130.  I love my Kindle almost as much as I love my physical copies, but not enough that I could ever go 100% digital.

I used to be a Booktuber and reviewed books for publishing companies like Penguin, Carina Press and Harlequin Teen alongside Austin Macauley and other Indie authors. I ended up leaving the community and reviewing because this damn TBR pile got out of hand and I was buying more books than reading them. I also am a slow reader and can usually only read one book a week. [Finish]

I can read multiple books at once; in fact I prefer it that way. When I just read one I end up getting twitchy. This is due to me being a mood reader and my tastes change dramatically. I also read a lot of series and by read a lot of series I mean start the first book of about 100 series and forget about the second. The only full series I have actually finished to date is the Born Wicked Trilogy by Jessica Spotswood.

I want to acknowledge The Bards Lament for inspiring the idea around book sentences in her recent post. To be read - First Sentence Showdown

Taliesin was in the best of moods as he places his arm around his pupil and accompanied him inside. “It would seem there be much to celebrate at Aberffraw this night” Page 466 -The Ancient Future – Traci Harding.

Kerrick backhanded me across my cheek. The force of the blow sent me to the ground.  Page 41  - Touch of Power – Maria V Snyder

The natural state of the universe unmanifest...Susan still didn’t know what that meant.
Page 77 – The Night Season – Chelsea Cain

“Bloody pain,” she said, trying to thread the needle one more time.”  Page 78 – The Eye of the Sheep – Sofie Laguna

Jacob was the one diagnosed, but I might as well have Asperger’s, too.” Page 50  - House Rules – Jodi Picoult

After today they’ll be no place for me to hide. At least not in the real world.  Page 14 – Elusion – Claudia Gabel and Cheryl Klam

Neeve had to be wrong. She would never fall in love with one of them. Page 64 -The Raven Boys – Maggie Stievater 


Blair is a Pagan Loving, Earth magic maverick with a love for Tarot, poetry, Herbs, Creative Writing and Learning. Here you will find all manner of magical tips, techniques, interviews and sharings

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